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About Us
Founded in 1958, Quasem Foundation began its operations in Ulipur, the hometown of Abul Quasem, its founder and head of the Quasem family
Quasem Foundation is an organization dedicated to improving the lives of the impoverished people of Northern Bangladesh– one of the most climate-vulnerable areas of the country. Bangladesh’s flat topography along with its dense population make it highly sensitive to climate change. This threat is experienced extremely by the drought and flood-prone Northern region. Quasem Foundation extends its charity where it is most needed and gives hope where it is most lacking.
We Make a Difference in their Life
Quasem Foundation is an organization dedicated to improving the lives of the impoverished people of Northern Bangladesh, extending charity where it is most needed and giving hope where it is most lacking.

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Projects/ Causes
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.Gobindaganj, Gaibandha, Rangpur
.Rowmari, Kurigram, Rangpur

Our Geographic Reach
Our Relief and Distribution Network

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